السبت، 23 نوفمبر 2013

أرضيات رخامية للمجالس

الرخام كمادة أولية متوفر في أغلب الاسواق العالمية و المحلية, و لكن إمكانياتنا المتميزة (بحمد الله) في التصنيع و الكوادر البشرية المدربة و المؤهلة بشكل جيد تجعلنا في المقدمة

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

Crema Marfil Rojo Alicante

الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2013

Custom Floor Designs

First impressions in any Project are the most important. many marble Colors and designs options for entryways are available, creative marble ideas for foyers and lobbies are unlimited, as this gallery demonstrates.

Custom marble waterjet design

Most of the interior designers specify the use of waterjet tables because of the intricate patterns and inlays in the hotels on the strip in five star hotel and luxury places.


we use Waterjet machines which are perfect for creating  decorative designs on walls or inlaid into floors, counter top parts, faucet and sinkholes as well as a smoother radius off sharp edges of slabs cut with saws.

Custom marble waterjet design

Waterjet design consist of natural stone Dark Emperador and Crema Marfil

Custom marble waterjet design

Waterjet design consist of natural stone Dark Emperador, Roso alicante  and Crema Marfil

الاثنين، 4 نوفمبر 2013

Rosa Portugal Marble 2

Cut to size marble designs Water-jet style is the perfect decoration material for sitting room and luxury hall, indoor either palaces or five stars hotel. It has various colors, and can be processed under custom.

Marble floor design

Marble floor design

We can produce hundreds of different border's designs of Water-jets.

We can produce hundreds of different border's designs of Water-jets.

We can produce hundreds of different border's designs of Water-jets.

Rosa Portugal Roso Alicante Spain and Giallow marble mixed together by up to date technology to create fantastic collection.

Rosa Portugal Roso Alicante Spain and Giallow marble mixed together by up to date technology to create fantastic collection.

Rosa Portugal Roso Alicante Spain and Giallow marble mixed together by up to date technology to create fantastic collection.

Rosa Portugal Roso Alicante Spain and Giallow marble mixed together by up to date technology to create fantastic collection.

Cut to size marble designs Water-jet style is the perfect decoration material for sitting room and luxury hall, indoor either palaces or five stars hotel. It has various colors, and can be processed under custom.